One Day With Bihun👋💃
Hello everyone!!
how are you today?
It's me HISNA BIHUBBILLAH HIDAYATI. Today I want to share stories about my daily life.
I wake up at 5 am. Then perform the morning prayer. After that I made my bed and showered to get ready to go to today's activities.
Coincidentally, today I have an agenda to be one of the speakers at an event at a school in Tangerang Regency. Because I live in Serang, I have to use the train to go to the event venue. I always enjoy traveling. Friends, do you know? Sometimes on a journey there are often very deep lessons. Long story short, I arrived at the school and met friends who were very excited to take part in the event. Sharing stories about my journey, my experiences, and my hopes for the future. I'm not a big person. But I am aware that there are some people who enjoy sharing their experiences more with other people, because without realizing it, it can be an encouragement and motivation for that person to get through the day. Today's event is really exciting. The committee was friendly, the audience was lively and enjoyed the event. And this is definitely a very enjoyable experience.
However, with every meeting, there must be a separation. I have to return to Serang to continue my life and my studies at Faletehan University. Waiting for the train is boring, but it's okay, I try to enjoy it. Occasionally talking to the station security guard, the woman selling fried food, even the father of the motorbike taxi driver. Today I got messages from people I met randomly. Life is not about who is born rich, life is about the journey. Anyone can become great even if they are not born from great people. Believe that success belongs to anyone who is willing to try. My train has arrived.
It's time for me to go home. In the middle of my journey, on the train I saw a mother playing with her child. Wow, that feels really heartbreaking. So I miss my mother. At 8 pm I arrived at my boarding house. I feel very tired. I close today with a playlist of songs by my favorite singer, Bernadya. You can also listen to it, be careful... later, like me, you will fall in love with all his works. Thank you for reading my story today. Hopefully we can greet each other again through this article.
See you on the next Blog!!
awww bihun guehh💗